NNOW Potluck Brunch
Eat • Network • Make New Friends
Sunday, Feb 2, 11am to 1pm
Sunday, March 1, 11am to 1pm
Sunday, April 5, 11am to 1pm
16 Toms Way, Nantucket
Join us on the first Sunday of each month for NNOW Networking Brunches, gathering our wellness community to eat, share stories, network, and reconnect. Bring a little something to share, and please extend this invite out to any member of our community who didn’t receive this email.
NNOW History 21 years ago, in 1999, NNOW (Nantucket Network of Wellbeing) began bi-monthly Sunday brunches at the X-Gallery to network Nantucket’s wellness community. These brunches continued on a bi-monthly or monthly basis until we dissolved the non-profit in 2013. For most of its existence, NNOW was an informal gathering of anyone and everyone involved in personal, community, or environmental wellness. Over the course of 14-years, NNOW’s Brunches were the vehicle to identify community needs and the catalyst to realize solutions. Among its accomplishments, NNOW started a free quarterly wellness newspaper, Waves of Insight which included the first comprehensive directory of Island wellness services; launched that as an online web directory in 2012; presented annual Community Wellness Fairs; organized charitable gifts of services for individuals in need; and developed an after-school outreach program, Inward Bound for Teens.