Health, Weight Loss & 4 Body-Types

4 Body-Types by Dr. Eric Berg, DC

In this video Dr. Eric Berg explains ways to identity underlying health issues that may be preventing you from losing weight and feeling fantastic.  He uses 4 Body-Types: Adrenal, Liver, Ovary & Thyroid to link essential nutrient and hormone imbalances to health issues.  People are often baffled and frustrated by their laundry list of ailments and inability to lose weight.  This video provides a context to see how all these may relate to a common root cause as well as how to move forward towards vitality.   

“Get Healthy to Lose Weight”   ~ Dr. Eric Berg

Below is a link to Dr. Berg’s FREE Health Evaluation and his 4 Body-Type video.

Health Evaluation Quiz

(Click to get your FREE health evaluation)

Dr. Eric Berg’s Body-Type Seminar


Adrenal Body

(12:52) Adrenal Fatigue is pandemic in our modern fast paced world.  It is therefore at the root of many other conditions and has the greatest number of symptoms.  Exhausted adrenals can cause pain in different parts of the body due to depleted anti-inflammatory hormones.

Some Causes:

Trauma / overwhelm; Stress, Injury; Sudden loss; Overuse of coffee / stimulants; Too much synthetic vitamin C; Steroid use; Sleep deprivation; Fungal/yeast/viral infection.

Some Symptoms:

Sagging/hanging belly;  Thinner legs and arms; Weakness; Fatigue / Lethargy; DepressionSleepiness / Insomnia; Difficulty getting out of bed in the morning; Need for mid-afternoon naps; Nervousness Anxiety; Can’t tolerate stress; Acne or poor skin; Dark circles around eyes; Receding hairline; High blood pressure; Lax ligaments—weak ankles and knees; Difficulty absorbing calcium; Overreactive immune system—allergies; chemical sensitivities; Asthma; Autoimmune conditions / Fibromyalgia; Fluid retention in between cells; Brain fog or dullness; Ringing in ears; Low sex drive

Liver Body

(56:30) Fatty Liver is the second most prominent condition.  In combination with Pancreas (Insulin Intolerance) it causes an inability to breakdown and metabolize nutrients from our food and detoxify the body. Liver types may have a fullness in the upper abdomen just under the right rib cage and get tired for a while after each meal. 

Some Causes:

Constipation; High sugar/carb diet; Fried foods; Excess protein; Processed foods; GMOs; Chemical exposure; Viruses/fungi/Candida; Alcohol abuse.

Some Symptoms:

Potbelly (very little external fat; mostly fluid); skinny arms and legs; Bloating; burping or belching after eating; Acid reflux; Poor joints; Yellowness in whites of eyes (severe cases); Eyelids itchy and swollen; Hives and itchiness; Skin problems; Constipation; Hemorrhoids; Decreased tolerance for fatty foods and refined grains; Chemical sensitivities; Stiffness in lower back and upper back between the shoulder blades; Pain or tightness in right-shoulder area; Dull pressure and sensation of fullness just under right rib cage; Headaches; Arthritis; High cholesterol; High blood pressure; Varicose veins; Bad breath; Irritability / Foggy brain in the morning; Swollen ankles.

Ovary Body

(44:00) The Ovary Body has additional fat around the hips, thighs and buttock.  It is caused by an excess in Estrogen which throws off the body’s hormone balance.  High Estrogen levels can cause or be caused by excess fat.  This is often caused by synthetic estrogen mimicking substances like plastics and soy products.  

Some Causes:

The ovaries are sensitive to environmental hormones:  birth-control pills, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and other external supplies of hormones that enter the body. Growth hormones fed to beef, poultry and farm-raised fish are in this category. Chemicals that mimic hormones, such as plastic containers, pesticides and DDT, also affect the ovaries, uterus and breasts.

Some Symptoms:

History of PMS; Monthly cycle of weight gain or bloating; Ovarian cysts; Cyclic fatigue/  brain fog / pain in the lower back, hips or knees / lack of libido; Infertility; Hot flashes; Night sweats, Vaginal dryness; Cyclic mood swings; Extra painful cramps; Excessive menstrual bleeding; Cyclic thinning of the hair; Depression during menstrual cycle; Cravings at certain times of the month.

Thyroid Body

(3:20) Both the Thyroid and Ovary Body-Types are often secondary to either Adrenal or Liver distress.  Cholesterol levels, hair texture, nail strength, suppleness or dryness of the skin, and sex drive are all directly influenced by the thyroid.  The Thyroid Body has excess fat distributed throughout the whole body as the result of a slow metabolism.

Some Causes:

Excess Estrogen; Calorie restrictive dieting; High sugar/carb diet; Lack of exercise; Excess cruciferous vegetables / Iodine deficiency; Thyroid Gland or Gall Bladder removal.

Some Symptoms:

Weakness / Fatigue / Lethargy; Sleepiness; Need for midafternoon naps; Generalized weight gain; Sagging skin under arms, chin or midsection; Low/poor appetite; Craving bread, pasta, chocolate, sweets; High cholesterol; Brittle nails with vertical ridges; Hair stiff and dry; Hair loss or thinning hair; Dry skin; Puffiness around eyes; Sagging eyelids; Outer eyebrows thinning or absent; Slight rosiness or reddening of the face; Poor short-term memory and focus; Depression; Apathetic (loss of hope); Difficulty making decisions; Low body temperature; Cold intolerance (need to put on a sweater or more covers while sleeping); Cold feet and/or hands; Loss of libido; Loss of menstrual cycle.

Hormone Imbalances

The Adrenal Body produces high levels of Cortisol (stress hormones) for extended periods which exhausts the adrenal glands; because of a low functioning liver the Liver Body produces insufficient levels of HGH (growth hormone); the Ovary Body produces high levels of Estrogen; and Thyroid Body produces low levels of T3/T4 (thyroid hormone.  Lastly, the 5th Body-Type (not mentioned above) is the Pancreas Body which produces insufficient levels of Insulin. 

If this information piqued your interest check out these next three short videos and Dr. Berg’s website to see how to use this information in your life.

also see these videos:  

For more information, books, videos and products by Dr. Eric Berg visit:

Dr. Eric Berg, DC

Eric Berg, DC is a chiropractor who specializes in Health Ketosis™ and Intermittent Fasting. His clients have included senior officials in the U.S. government ambassadors, medical doctors, high-level executives of prominent corporations, scientists, engineers, professors, and other clients from all walks of life. Currently Dr. Berg no longer practices, but does full time education through social media, videos and conventions.

He is the author of  numerous books and professional articles including:  The 7 Principles of Fat Burning; Dr. Berg’s New Body Type Guide; Dirty, Lazy, Keto; and It’s Not Lose Weight To Get Healthy, It’s Get Healthy To Lose Weight.


The information featured on this site is provided for information and education purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or health care provider on medical and/or health-related issues.

You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or as a substitute for medication or other treatment prescribed by your physician or health care provider.