This is day 1, part 2 of a lecture by Dr. Jim Said, ND, DC, RPP introducing the Polarity Therapy step-down of energy. This talk picks up after the break in the workshop Chaos: Entering the Dance, presented at NM Academy of Healing Arts, Jan. 25-29, 1995.
In part 2 Dr. Said explores the relationship between the pentamerous or 5-fold combination of energy with the formation of the psyche through the lens of Dr. Randolph Stone’s Polarity Therapy model. Dr. Said was a student of Polarity’s founder Dr. Stone as well as his successor Dr. Pierre Pannetier. He was instrumental in the formation of the American Polarity Therapy Association, and establishing its Standards for Practice and Education.
NOTE: This video was transferred from the original VHS master so both the video and sound quality are what is possible from this source recording.
Video Lecture – Part 2
Much of part 2 centers around an understanding of Dr. Stone’s ’71 Private Notes where he explains the intermingling of the Ayurvedic 5-elements of matter which create all aspects of our human body through what he called the Pentamerous Combinations. Conveyed through the esoteric poem of a mystic, Stone describes how each of the elements: Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth interacts with each of the others. The inter-combinations with Ether (Space) create our psycho-emotional drives; Air create our movements; Fire our physiological drives; Water our bodily fluids; and the inter-combinations with Earth our body’s tissues. (see Teaching Tools Excerpt 2)

Dr. Stone is emphatic in this poem that, although the Pentamerous Combination of elements forms every aspect of our human bodyMind System — we are NOT THAT! Because we can recognize these elements of ourselves we are something other than just the sum of our parts. Because we can see the thoughts and feeling that drive our behaviors and make up our mind, we are neither our thoughts nor feelings. We also cannot be reduced to the tissues and fluids that make up our bodies. We are something more — We are the WITNESS!
Only when we hold the neutral place of witness, can we avoid the trap of getting swept up in our story, kicked around by subconscious drives, past traumas, and our current physical limitations. The point of power to affect any change is in the witness which provides both perspective and understanding. Additionally, this neutral pole enables us to move out in any direction we choose.
“This Gross body is not mine. Why? It belongs to the five Great Elements.
It is a product of the Pentamerous combination of the five Elements.
It cannot be mine. Why? Look.
These represent the Five Elements…
Thus in this five fold combination twenty-five factors are manifested. How?
The Products of the Five Fold Combination of Sky (Ether/Space)
Grief, Desire, Anger, (Love or) Attachment, Fear.
Grief is the principal quality of Space, a feeling of nothingness.
Desire is produced by the combination of Wind with Space.
Anger is produced by the combination of Fire with Space.
Attachment or love is produced by the combination of Water with Space.
Fear is produced by the combination of Earth with Space.
I am not these: Grief, Desire, Anger, Attachment or Fear. I am seeing them.
I am the Seer. They are not mine, they belong to the various Elements noted
as above. I should not claim these as mine…
I am not these. They are not mine. I am the Seer. Witness.”
Dr. Randolph Stone, excerpt from ’71 Private Notes
Below is a video index for easy reference. Additionally, I’ve provided some excerpts from a working-draft copy of my book, Polarity Teaching Tools to provide visual aids.
Video Index
- Questions – 0:00
- Forces of Projection & Reflexion – 1:10
- Pentamerous Combinations – 4:50
- Organization of the Psyche – 10:00
- Inflammation – 20:15
- Air – Domain of Movement – 23:25
- Fire – Domain of Subconscious Drives – 28:00
- Water – Domain of Environment – 30:10
- Wellness Model – 32:30
- General Stress Adaptation Model – 46:20
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