Vitality Drink

It’s been way too long since I’ve done a morning Vitality Drink, Polarity Therapy’s liver/gallbladder detox. After a week of driving cross country from Tucson to Nantucket, my body desperately needed a reboot.  Polarity’s Vitality Drink is a powerful liver and gallbladder flush. This simple and delicious beverage is a great way to begin to engage the body’s self-healing abilities to support one of its most critical systems.  

This is something that I used to do a few times each year, often seasonally, for one or two weeks at a time accompanied by a juice-fast or detox diet. As happens in life, I somehow fell out of the habit recently, but summer is the perfect time of year to start up this routine again. This simple beverage is a healthy way to begin the day. Below is my personal version of Dr. Randolph Stone’s recipe.

The Liver & Gallbladder

The liver and gallbladder are two essential organs that play critical roles in digestion, metabolism, and overall health. Understanding their functions can help you appreciate the importance of maintaining liver and gallbladder health through a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle choices.

The liver, one of the largest organs in the body, performs a multitude of functions vital to life. It is triangular-shaped, with its wider end under the lower right ribs, and extends to the left just under the diaphragm with its narrow point below the 5th rib, halfway across the left lower ribs.

It acts as the body’s chemical factory, processing nutrients absorbed from the digestive tract into forms that the body can use. The liver stores vitamins and minerals, such as iron and vitamin A, and releases them into the blood as needed. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels by converting excess glucose into glycogen for storage, which can be converted back to glucose when energy is needed. Additionally, the liver detoxifies the blood by removing harmful substances, including alcohol, drugs, and metabolic waste products. This detoxification process is crucial for preventing the buildup of toxins in the body. On a body-mind level, it also stores toxic emotions for later processing.  That’s where we push down our anger, resentment, frustration, and bitterness when we don’t want to express them.

The gallbladder, a small, pear-shaped organ located midway beneath the right side of the liver, plays a complementary role in digestion. Its primary function is to store and concentrate bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver. Bile contains bile acids, which are critical for the digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine. When you eat a meal containing fat, the gallbladder contracts and releases bile into the small intestine through the bile ducts. This release aids in breaking down dietary fats into smaller molecules that can be easily absorbed by the intestinal lining. Without proper bile secretion, fat digestion and nutrient absorption would be significantly impaired.

Benefits of a Liver/Gallbladder Flush

The Vitality Drink liver and gallbladder detox, often referred to as a cleanse, aims to flush out toxins and improve the function of these vital organs. Detoxes can lead to enhanced digestion, increased energy levels, and overall improved health. Understanding the benefits and potential contraindications of such detoxes is essential for making informed decisions about your wellness routine.

One of the primary benefits of a liver and gallbladder detox is improved digestion. By cleansing these organs, you may help remove accumulated toxins and bile sludge, which can enhance bile production and flow. This can lead to better fat digestion and nutrient absorption, potentially alleviating issues like abdominal bloating, constipation, and indigestion. Increased energy levels are another benefit, as a detox may reduce the body’s toxin load, allowing the liver to perform its metabolic functions more efficiently. 

Other complaints from my clients that indicate possible liver issues helped by detox are increased mid-section fat (like a beach-ball or fluid retention), headaches and migraines, systemic inflammation, right-side pains, especially right shoulder, neck, and low-back pain, spinal inflexibility, joint stiffness, lethargy, shortness of breath, distended belly, belching and burping, and excess gas. Additionally, heart and vascular health have a direct connection to the fat catabolic and metabolic functions of the liver/gallbladder.

It is however important to recognize the potential contraindications and risks associated with liver and gallbladder detoxes. People with underlying health conditions, such as liver disease, gallstones, diabetes, or kidney problems, should only undergo detoxes without proper medical supervision.

“The liver is the largest organ in the body and is the key to its chemical function. That is why the liver should be considered in the selection of our diet and should be assisted when its function is impeded or subnormal.” ~ Dr. Randolph Stone, Health Building

Detox & Healing Crisis

A healing crisis is a temporary worsening of symptoms during the healing process, often causing discomfort and vulnerability. This phase can bring spiritual insights and new beginnings as the body releases what no longer serves it. It’s crucial to approach this period with self-compassion, rest, and hydration, allowing the body to cleanse and rebuild.

The healing crisis unfolds in stages. Initially, the body enters a phase of elimination, breaking down old tissues and discarding toxins, often resulting in symptoms like nausea, irritability, rashes, headaches, and fatigue. This process, though unpleasant, is a sign that the body is purging harmful substances. As waste is eliminated, the body stabilizes, balancing tissue breakdown and forming healthier, more vital cells.
This phase is followed by a rebuilding period, where the body, even on a low-calorie diet, begins to gain strength as it sheds obstructing materials from the cells. Symptoms during this time can be confusing, such as skin eruptions or flu-like symptoms, but they are part of the body’s natural detoxification process. It’s important not to suppress these symptoms with medications, as they are signs of the body’s healing work.

The symptoms vary based on the toxins being released, the condition of your organs, and your overall energy levels. The more rest and support you give your body during this time, the milder and shorter the symptoms will be. It’s essential to understand that these reactions are constructive, even though they may feel unpleasant at the moment.

Healing is a cyclical process, with periods of feeling better followed by temporary setbacks. These cycles are normal as the body gradually eliminates deep-seated toxins and rebuilds itself. Embrace the process, knowing that each cycle brings you closer to improved health and vitality.

Liver Health

Maintaining liver and gallbladder health is essential for overall well-being. When your liver works right, every other organ and cell in your body works right!  A healthy liver promotes metabolism and suppresses inflammation. Consuming a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can support liver function and prevent the formation of gallstones, which can obstruct bile flow and cause pain. Regular exercise, adequate hydration, and avoiding excessive alcohol and processed foods also contribute to the health of these organs. By taking care of your liver and gallbladder, you can enhance your digestive health and ensure your body functions optimally.

Every organ in the body has both a mobility, movement in relationship to neighboring organs, and motility, its own unique subtle motion. Together these movements create and support the proper functioning of that organ, as well as transport fluids, nutrients, and waste through it. Skilled manual therapists can aid these motions through gentle hands-on manipulation, but this is limited without a healthy diet to establish it from within. What’s more, when palpating an unhealthy liver it will either feel too hard, too large, or too mushy which must be corrected from within through detoxifying and rebuilding organ health.

What You’ll Need

1 apple, 1 large lemon and 1 lime, extra virgin olive oil, ginger root, Cayenne pepper powder, and a blender, strainer, and knife. (lemon press optional)

Note: Orange can be substituted for Apple, and Ginger can be substituted with Garlic, or both Ginger and garlic used together.

Health Benefits


Rich in Vitamin C. Boosts the immune system, Aids Digestion, Supports Hydration, Promotes Weight Management, Improves Skin Health, Antioxidants help combat free radicals and promote collagen synthesis, Boosts Heart Health, Enhances Iron Absorption.


Rich in Vitamin C, Aids Digestion: Stimulates digestive enzymes and helps prevent constipation, Supports Weight Management, Promotes Skin Health, Boosts Heart Health, Enhances Iron Absorption, Detoxifying Properties: Helps detoxify the body and improves liver function.

Olive Oil

Rich in Healthy Fats: High in monounsaturated fats, which are heart-healthy. Antioxidant Properties: Contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation and fight chronic disease. Supports Heart Health: Can lower LDL cholesterol and improve HDL cholesterol levels. Anti-inflammatory, Promotes Skin Health, Supports Weight Management, Improves Brain Health.


Reduces Nausea: Effective in alleviating nausea and motion sickness. Anti-Inflammatory, Aids Digestion: Helps with digestion and reduces bloating and gas. Pain Relief, Supports Immune System, Relieves Menstrual Pain, Improves Heart Health: May lower blood sugar levels and reduce risk factors for heart disease.


Rich in Fiber: Supports digestive health and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Supports Heart Health: May lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. High in Antioxidants, Aids Weight Management, Supports Gut Health, Boosts Immune System.


Boosts Metabolism: Contains capsaicin, which can increase metabolic rate and aid in weight loss. Pain Relief: Acts as a natural pain reliever, reducing pain and discomfort. Supports Digestion, Anti-Inflammatory, Improves Circulation, Supports Immune System, Detoxifying Properties: Helps detoxify the body by promoting sweating and eliminating toxins.

Recipe & Directions

In a blender place the following:  1 apple—peeled and diced, 1 chunk of ginger—peeled and shaved (to taste) (garlic cloves can be substituted), 1 large Lemon & 1 Lime sliced into thin wedges & squeezed through a strainer, 1 pinch of cayenne pepper, and 1 to 4 tablespoons of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil.  Add ⅓ to ½ cup of water.  Blend well. This should make 6 oz. of Vitality Drink. (Note: begin with 1 tbl of olive oil on day one. Over time you can progress gradually to 4 tbls of olive oil if your body does well with the detox process. If you have any adverse effects progress slower by shifting to a more cleansing and detoxifying diet for several weeks before reintroducung the Vitality Drink. Every body is different, everyone’s level of tissue toxicity varies.)

Down the Vitality Drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Follow it with a cup of Polatity Tea (see Polari-TEA), (alternatively, peppermint, licorice, or another digestive tea can be used). For best results make a vat of tea to drink throughout the day (or 3x like breakfast, lunch, and dinner).  Closely monitor your effects after 1 day.  If appropriate, repeat this liver detox for 3 to 7 days, take a week break and repeat for another interval. 

Your diet during this time is critical to support the process. When doing a liver detox it’s best to accompany it with a plant-based detoxifying diet (see Polarity Diets).  These diets consist largely of fresh raw or steamed fruits and veggies which create an alkaline internal environment that encourages flushing tissue waste from the cells. Detox diets are low in or for best results eliminate entirely salt and all substances/foods that slow down digestion.  Avoid asking your body to do two opposing things at the same time. Eliminate foods that challenge or clog the liver like fried foods, fatty or hard-to-digest proteins, processed or packaged foods and snacks, sugary foods, alcohol or drugs, and the like.  The cleaner and simpler your diet during this period, the more you will support the digestive tract and body as a whole in eliminating waste and the more benefit you will see from this process. Fresh vegetable and fruit juices are ideal to provide concentrated vitamins and minerals. To your Health!  Enjoy!


The information featured on this site is provided for information and education purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or health care provider on medical and/or health-related issues.

You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or as a substitute for medication or other treatment prescribed by your physician or health care provider.