Overwhelm Blog part 2

Overwhelm – Part 2

Please note: this is the second of a 4-part blog.  (see Part 1) Physiological Trauma Our body’s complex physiology is susceptible to really just two types of overwhelm — Too Much In Not Enough Out and Too Much Out Not Enough In.  Too Much In Not Enough Out is exemplified by constipation*. Even if we […]

Natural Home Remedies

This is one of Dr. Barbara O’Neill’s must-see videos with a wealth of natural home remedies that everyone should have on hand to treat both emergency and chronic conditions.  Dr. O’Neill accompanies each of her treatments, like easy to make policies and compresses of onion, garlic, potato cayenne pepper and caster oil, with memorable personal stories […]

Salt & Water for Health

The Importance of Salt & Water for Health This is THE video I recommend every client watch!  Dr. Barbara O’Neill covers so much ground in this talk, explaining the critical importance to health of these two fundamental elements—water and salt.  She is masterful at making very complicated information easy to understand. In this video lecture […]

Think Different Film Series 2015/16

Since 2012 I have collaborated with the Nantucket Atheneum Library to present a documentary film series that explores new ideas and perspectives related to wellness.  This is our fifth year and I think our best ever.  The thing I love most is that the Think Different Series challenges the audience to consider new ways of perceiving life and […]

Colon Cleansing: Step-by-Step Home Enemas

Polarity Therapy founder, Dr. Randolph Stone was a vigorous proponent of colon cleansing as an important part of optimal health. Today our unhealthy diets and environment have placed greater and greater strains on our bodies. The main job of the colon (large intestine) is to reabsorb water and nutrients from food and remove waste and […]

A Clean Colon is Key to Good Health

According to health professionals, 90 percent of Americans have impacted colons. This video is a must see for anyone who is concerned about their health and healing.  Whether you’re suffering from inordinate weight gain, chronic illness, fatigue, cancer, diabetes or any of a myriad of other disorders, cleaning your colon may be the answer to […]

Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO’s

Seeds of Death Here’s a really good movie on the dangers of GMO foods that you can watch online.  If you are not aware of this crisis, in my opinion Genetically Modified Foods represent one of the greatest health risks the American public faces today.  I HIGHLY recommend everyone educate themselves on GMOs. Currently around […]

The Fluoride Deception (Full Length Documentary)

The Fluoride Deception Here’s an eye opener if you’re not aware of the downside of Fluoidated water.  In this 30-min documentary, Christopher Bryson gives a great introduction to the dangers of Fluoride. Hailed as a harmless chemical that would prevent tooth decay, new evidence shows how fluoride could be linked to serious health problems. History […]

Spring Back to Health

April 2013 eNewsletter Although we’re still not feeling it, we’ve officially turned the page which means Daffy Weekend is just around the corner.  For me that also means Spring cleaning – yes around my house, but more importantly it means cleaning up my diet, shedding “baby Winter” from my midsection and detoxifying my system. The […]