
Polari-TEA is a uniquely sweet and tasty herbal tonic blending Licorice, Fennel, Fenugreek, Flax, and Peppermint with added Aniseed and Turmeric. Designed by Polarity Therapy founder, Dr. Randolph Stone to soothe the digestion and …

Immune System with Daniel Vitalis – The Raw Food World, #225

Immune Force-Field I had never heard this information about bacterial immune defense so clearly articulated.  Daniel Vitalis does a great job explaining this in a way everyone can understand. The immune system has a built in force-field made out of lactobacillus acidophilus (acid loving milk bacteria).  Ideally, when babies come out of the womb they leave […]

David Wolfe Reveals Energy Elixir Recipe! | GaiamTV interview with Lisa Garr

All-Day Energy Thought for the Day – It’s possible to have energy ALL day!  David Wolfe always has great information.  I’m excited to try this one.  Here’s the ingredient list: David Wolfe’s Energy Elixir Jiaoguian (Gynostemma) Tea (hot) Lucuma (Tbl) Chaga (tsp) Maca (tsp) Astragalus (1/4 tsp) Ashwagandha (1/4 tsp) Vanilla (1/4 tsp David Wolfe […]