3 Primary Rhythms: Part 2

Please note: this is the second installment of a 4-part blog.  (see Part 1) The Breath Even though it is the last of our 3-Primary Rhythms to ‘come on-line’, I’m starting with the breath because it is the one we have the most conscious control over and thereby can most easily access for self-healing. The […]

3 Primary Rhythms: Part 1

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine once said, “Natural Forces within us are the true healers of disease”.  Much as we in the 21st-century like to think our technology can do anything, healing still comes down to nature doing the real heavy lifting.  The effectiveness of my work or any therapeutic approach depends on these […]

Think Different Film Series 2015/16

Since 2012 I have collaborated with the Nantucket Atheneum Library to present a documentary film series that explores new ideas and perspectives related to wellness.  This is our fifth year and I think our best ever.  The thing I love most is that the Think Different Series challenges the audience to consider new ways of perceiving life and […]

Keys To Success – Marc Allen’s Magical Path

This is not my usual post, but for me the cause of just about all dis-ease boils down to our inability to deal with our inner and outer stresses.  Marc Allen has a brilliantly simple method for looking at the stress of being out of alignment with our inner vision and goals.  Enjoy! The Magic […]