Body-Mind-Sprit 4

Welcome to the world of Heart-Brain Coherence and Heart Rate Variability (HRV)—a cutting-edge area of research into how the rhythms of our heart influence your mental state, emotional balance, and even our relationships…

Chakras & Transformation

In this 1985 lecture, Joseph Campbell, father of comparative world mythologies, explores the 7-Chakras as stages of human transformation.  “It’s my notion that the most precious gift that India has given us is this of the psychological stages …”

Chakras & Felt-Sense 2

The first 3 Chakras below the diaphragm all relate to our animal nature — the drives of survival, procreation, and power. The Heart is considered the ‘Bridge’ Chakra or Human Chakra because it connects us to one another heart-to-heart …

Salt & Water for Health

The Importance of Salt & Water for Health This is THE video I recommend every client watch!  Dr. Barbara O’Neill covers so much ground in this talk, explaining the critical importance to health of these two fundamental elements—water and salt.  She is masterful at making very complicated information easy to understand. In this video lecture […]

Discover PEMF Therapy

PEMF Therapy New in 2017, my sessions will incorporate the use of Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy.  I recently began using a PEMF full-body mat at the beginning of my holistic bodywork sessions to magnify the amount of energy moving through the system, increasing the body’s capacity to heal.  We can also incorporate localized PEMF applicators to direct therapeutic square-wave energy to specific areas of […]

3 Primary Rhythms: Part 3

Please note: this is the third installment of a 4-part blog.  (see Parts 1 & 2) The Heart Beat or Pulse The second rhythm I would like to discuss is the pulse or heartbeat.  The heartbeat is tied directly to respiration.  It is hard to increase your heart rate without affecting your breathing and vice versa.  […]

3 Primary Rhythms: Part 1

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine once said, “Natural Forces within us are the true healers of disease”.  Much as we in the 21st-century like to think our technology can do anything, healing still comes down to nature doing the real heavy lifting.  The effectiveness of my work or any therapeutic approach depends on these […]

Bio Hacking – Salt, Coffee & Butter

Bio Hacking In this video Bulletproof Exec, Dave Asprey talks about potential health benefits of butter, salt and even coffee.   I met Dave last winter at the Longevity Now Conference in CA where this was a topic reiterated by many of the presenters. Published Aug 22, 2012 Dave Asprey, The Bulletproof Executive, is a Silicon […]

Food Matters Podcast

Food Matters Podcast Here’s a great podcast interview from Bulletproof Executive Radio of James Colquhoun, director of Food Matters and Hungry For Change.  In this interview they cover a broad range of topics relating to health and diet.  If you like this interview you can check out and Colquhoun ends the interview with his 3 […]

Juicing For Health – Juicing For Life

Two years ago we showed the movie Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead at Nantucket Atheneum and it still generates a lot of conversation with those who were there and clients facing health and weight challenges.  Its an inspiring film of human triumph worth a look.  Here’s a brief clip.  You can borrow a copy from […]