Navigating Inner Space

4-Week Self-Help Classes • Sundays, April 7 to 28 @ 9-10:30am • Discover Techniques to: Utilize Self-Directed Meditation & Movement for healing

Chakras & Felt-Sense 2

The first 3 Chakras below the diaphragm all relate to our animal nature — the drives of survival, procreation, and power. The Heart is considered the ‘Bridge’ Chakra or Human Chakra because it connects us to one another heart-to-heart …

Chakras & Felt-Sense 1

This blog presents the 7-Chakras in a way that many may not have considered—as a language for expressing a universal human experience. I think THIS is what makes the concept of the chakras so ubiquitous around our planet …


Resourcing is one of our most valuable tools for self-care and self-healing.  It enables us to meet our everyday challenges and combat overwhelm by drawing on our webwork of interconnections. Our Resources let us know life is okay, life is worth living. 

Overwhelm Blog Part 4

Overwhelm – Part 4

Please note: this is the fourth of a 4-part blog.  (see Parts 1, 2 & 3) Healing Trauma So what do we do with all this? Can we heal trauma? Can we prevent it? The simple answer is YES! What all of these different types of overwhelm have in common are two things: 1) The BodyMind System (BMS) […]

3 Primary Rhythms: Part 1

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine once said, “Natural Forces within us are the true healers of disease”.  Much as we in the 21st-century like to think our technology can do anything, healing still comes down to nature doing the real heavy lifting.  The effectiveness of my work or any therapeutic approach depends on these […]