Dr. Randolph Stone Inducted Into Massage Therapy Hall of Fame

World Massage Festival On August 4, 2013 the World Massage Festival inducted Polarity Therapy founder, Dr. Randolph Stone, DO, ND, DC into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame. Their website http://worldmassagefestival.comĀ posted the following biographical article on Dr. Stone. Dr. Stone Bio On 26th February 1890, a boy was born in Engelsberg, Austria, the youngest of […]

What Is Polarity Therapy?

What Is Polarity Therapy?

Hard to Sum Up Even after more than thirty plus years in the study, practice, and training of polarity therapists I still wince when asked that one simple question. Polarity is such a huge topic that it is often hard to condense into a nice neat sound bite. Or if I do, I somehow feel […]