Vitality Drink

The Vitality Drink, a liver and gallbladder detox, often referred to as a cleanse, aims to flush out toxins and improve the function of these vital organs. Detoxes can lead to enhanced digestion, increased energy levels, and overall improved health…

Body-Mind-Spirit 1

BMS 1: Consciousness revisits many ideas such as felt-sense and the Polyvagal ANS, as it dives deeper into the various aspects of embodied consciousness, from sub- to superconscious states. Then, within the next three, we’ll look at brainwave frequencies, …


Polari-TEA is a uniquely sweet and tasty herbal tonic blending Licorice, Fennel, Fenugreek, Flax, and Peppermint with added Aniseed and Turmeric. Designed by Polarity Therapy founder, Dr. Randolph Stone to soothe the digestion and …

Polarity & Vitalistic Medicine – Part 2

In part 2 we explore the story of Polarity’s founder, Dr. Randolph Stone, and take a deeper look into the history of Vitalistic Medicine, as well as the writings of medical pioneers Drs. John Martin Littlejohn and Henry Lindlahr …

Polarity & Vitalistic Medicine – Part 1

This is part 1 of a blog weaving together some new insights into the history of Polarity Therapy, with the story of the vitalistic/drugless and allopathic medicines of the early 20th century, including the Flexner Report and Diploma Mill Scandal …

Dr. James Said – Chaos 2

In part 2 Dr. Said explores the relationship between the pentamerous or 5-fold combinations of energy with the formation of the psyche through the lens of Dr. Randolph Stone’s Polarity model. Much of part 2 centers around Dr. Stone’s ’71 Private Notes.

Dr. James Said – Chaos 1

In this archival video from 1995 Dr. Said explores the idea of universal life-energy stepping down into form through the polarity relationships developed by Dr. Randolph Stone. Dr. Said was a student of Dr. Stone as well as his successor Dr. Pierre Pannetier.

As Above So Below

Hermetic Axiom & Health Polarity Therapy founder, Dr. Randolph Stone used to quote variations on this Hermetic axiom all the time, “As Above So Below, As Within So Without” or “the Microcosm Reflects the Macrocosm—the Macrocosm Reflects the Microcosm”. The implications of this idea, namely the interconnectedness of all life and relationships of scale, are […]

Colon Cleansing: Step-by-Step Home Enemas

Polarity Therapy founder, Dr. Randolph Stone was a vigorous proponent of colon cleansing as an important part of optimal health. Today our unhealthy diets and environment have placed greater and greater strains on our bodies. The main job of the colon (large intestine) is to reabsorb water and nutrients from food and remove waste and […]

Juicing For Health – Juicing For Life

Two years ago we showed the movie Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead at Nantucket Atheneum and it still generates a lot of conversation with those who were there and clients facing health and weight challenges.  Its an inspiring film of human triumph worth a look.  Here’s a brief clip.  You can borrow a copy from […]