Body-Mind-Sprit 4

Welcome to the world of Heart-Brain Coherence and Heart Rate Variability (HRV)—a cutting-edge area of research into how the rhythms of our heart influence your mental state, emotional balance, and even our relationships…

Trauma & Bodywork Thesis

People often think that if they weren’t in a car accident, been to war, or didn’t get assaulted they haven’t been traumatized. It is important to recognize that trauma is not ‘what happened’ it’s how we perceive ‘what happened’…

Body-Mind-Spirit 1

BMS 1: Consciousness revisits many ideas such as felt-sense and the Polyvagal ANS, as it dives deeper into the various aspects of embodied consciousness, from sub- to superconscious states. Then, within the next three, we’ll look at brainwave frequencies, …

Energy Bank Account

Most of us aren’t consciously aware that we have an energy bank account that works much like the regualr one, where our interactions with life builds, stores or depletes energy from our BodyMind System. This is the amount of energy we have …

Polyvagal Theory – Part 2

Polyvagal Theory provides the tools to understand the actual mechanism controlling our subconscious autopilot and empowers us to take back control of our thoughts and actions, as well as how the world responds to us.

Polyvagal Theory – Part 1

First proposed in 1994 by Stephen Porgess, PhD, Polyvagal Theory has redefined our understanding of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and its relationship to how trauma/overwhelm affects our BodyMind System (BMS).

TRAUMA to Wholeness Workshop

15-Hour Workshop Sunday Kick-off, May 5 • 10am-5:30pm Tuesdays, May 7, 14 & 21 • 7-10pm $400 Move out of Fight or Flight! Let go of old patterns & THRIVE Explore Body-centered Trauma Healing Work with your inner vision and felt sense Discover the true miracle of YOU Learn Energy techniques to balance your Nervous System Utilize the power of Resourcing […]

Overwhelm Blog Part 4

Overwhelm – Part 4

Please note: this is the fourth of a 4-part blog.  (see Parts 1, 2 & 3) Healing Trauma So what do we do with all this? Can we heal trauma? Can we prevent it? The simple answer is YES! What all of these different types of overwhelm have in common are two things: 1) The BodyMind System (BMS) […]

Overwhelm Blog Part 3

Overwhelm – Part 3

Please note: this is the third of a 4-part blog.  (see Parts 1 & 2) Psychological & Emotional Trauma Let’s talk about these two types of overwhelm together since they often go hand-in-hand. Psycho-Emotional Trauma (overwhelm) is not so much what happens but how we perceive what is happening to us. It’s an emotionally charged moment in […]