Cool Your Heartburn – Part 1 with Dr. John Douillard

Cool Your Digestion This is another incredibly informative video by Dr. John Douillard which covers some basic causes of Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Indigestion and congestion of the Gall Bladder, including both an over acidic and under acidic Stomach.  Also watch part 2 which covers self-massage for Hiatal Hernia. Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP is a […]

Clay Detox … with Daniel Vitalis

Here are tow great videos by Daniel Vitalis on Detoxing using Clays and Zeolite. Detoxing Daniel Vitalis walks us through the long history of use and how to use two different strategies to assist us in detoxing radioactive isotopes, heavy metals, and other toxins from our bodies on an ongoing basis. Toxins in the body […]

Immune System with Daniel Vitalis – The Raw Food World, #225

Immune Force-Field I had never heard this information about bacterial immune defense so clearly articulated.  Daniel Vitalis does a great job explaining this in a way everyone can understand. The immune system has a built in force-field made out of lactobacillus acidophilus (acid loving milk bacteria).  Ideally, when babies come out of the womb they leave […]

Your Body: Basic Users Manual – The Digestive System

Every car, appliance, and just about anything you purchase these days comes with a user’s manual. Unfortunately, we are never given a manual for our most important and precious tool, our bodies. This blog is intended to begin to acquaint you with your body and what it’s designed to do. I’m going to start by […]