

Polari-TEA is a special combination of herbs designed by Polarity Therapy founder, Dr. Randolph Stone, DO, ND, DC, to soothe the digestive tract and assist in the elimination of mucus and waste, supporting optimal health.  It is a uniquely sweet and tasty herbal tonic that can be taken first thing in the morning and all throughout the day.  

Typically made from a combination of woody herbs that need to be boiled then steeped, my personal blend uses these ingredients finely ground for convenient daily use. I’ve added a small amount of Turmeric to further decrease systemic tissue inflammation.

One of my teachers often said, “Knowing what to do is one thing, compliance is everything!” I’ve tried to make adding it to a daily regimen as easy as possible.

Ingredients:  Equal amounts by volume of Licorice, Fennel, Fenugreek, Flax, and Peppermint with added Aniseed and Turmeric

Optional:  Fresh ground Ginger Root can be added to taste.

Directions:  In Tea-ball: add herbal blend and steep in a cup of hot water for 15-minutes.  In French Press: put 1 heaping tsp. of herbs into press, fill with hot water and steep.  Refill press halfway with hot water to extend first batch.

Some Benefits

Licorice & Anise

  • Aids digestion
  • Beneficial for hypoglycemia
  • Loosen phlegm in lungs and digestion
  • Relieves gas & constipation
  • Anti-anxiety & insomnia
  • Anti-nausea & inflammation
  • Antibacterial, anifungal, antioxidant
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Decreases muscle or skeletal spasms


  • Appetite suppressant   
  • Promotes function of the spleen, liver, and kidneys
  • Helps clear the lungs.  
  • Balances acid stomach  
  • Relieves gas, gastointestinal tract spasms, abdominal pain, and colon disorders
  • Effective in the treatment of gout
  • Helpful for post-chemotherapy and radiation symptoms


  • Aides asthma and sinus problems by reducing mucus 
  • Good for lung disorders and inflammation
  • Acts as a bulk laxative
  • Reduces fever, lowers cholesterol
  • Lubricates the intestines.  


  • Used for female disorders
  • Used for colon problems, inflammation and tumors.  
  • Promotes strong nails, bones, teeth, and healthy skin
  • High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids


  • Balances stomach acidity
  • Soothe digestive issues
  • Freshens bad breath
  • Relieves headaches & improves mental focus
  • Antimicrobial 
  • Helps clear respiratory tract
  • Boosts energy
  • Releases tight muscles
  • Used for chills, colic, fever, nausea, diarrhea, heart trouble, rheumatism, convulsions, spasms, and headaches.


  • Fights inflammation
  • Supports joint health
  • Increases energy
  • Improves memory
  • Ease digestion
  • Helps regulate sleep cycle

16-oz. jars of hand-crafted Polarity-TEA are available for purchase at my office. Inquire at after your next session.


The information featured on this site is provided for information and education purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or health care provider on medical and/or health-related issues.

You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or as a substitute for medication or other treatment prescribed by your physician or health care provider.