Holodynamic Reflexology Workshop 1

15-Hour Workshop

Coming in 2020
Dates TBA



Utilize Whole-body Zone Reflexes!

  • Reflex the Hands & Feet to all body organs & structures
  • Discover Polarity Therapy’s unique method of utilizing Zone correlations
  • Learn sacred geometry of the body & the doctrine of signatures
  • Explore energy, consciousness, awareness & 3-dimensional perception
  • Utilize Polarity’s 3 qualities of touch: Rajas, Tamas & Sattva for Energy Healing

I am very excited to be co-facilitating this powerful workshop, Holodynamic Reflexology 1: Feet & Hands, with my dear friend and colleague Aileen Dashurova.

Holodynamic Reflexology 1: Feet & Hands is an energy-based approach to Reflexology utilizing  an integrated whole-body approach from Polarity Therapy. Its focus is on the vital energy that is the matrix of life itself.  This course goes far beyond the standard idea of foot and hand reflexes.  We will use the feet to reflex chronic and the hands to reflex acute conditions in the body, as well as zone correspondences to relink those lines of communication within the body-mind system.

The workshop kicks-off with a day-long Sunday class TBA, followed by 3 classes on consecutive evenings, TBA.

  • Aileen McConnell-Dashurova is a family practitioner of Energy Bodywork Medicine seeing clients in Nantucket and Westford, MA. Her work includes past & parallel lives, mediumship & Channeling, medical Intuition, dreamwork/journeying and hands on bodywork.
  • Glen Weimer was founder and former director of the Arizona Polarity Institute, Tucson and former polarity education director at the New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts, Santa Fe. Holistic Bodywork is his unique synthesis of polarity and various manual therapy approaches.

I hope you can join us for this dynamic course!


NOTE: Space is limited to 12 participants