
Polari-TEA is a uniquely sweet and tasty herbal tonic blending Licorice, Fennel, Fenugreek, Flax, and Peppermint with added Aniseed and Turmeric. Designed by Polarity Therapy founder, Dr. Randolph Stone to soothe the digestion and …

Health, Weight Loss & 4 Body-Types

4 Body-Types by Dr. Eric Berg, DC In this video Dr. Eric Berg explains ways to identity underlying health issues that may be preventing you from losing weight and feeling fantastic.  He uses 4 Body-Types: Adrenal, Liver, Ovary & Thyroid to link essential nutrient and hormone imbalances to health issues.  People are often baffled and […]

Gut Reaction Part 1

Gut Reaction – Part 1

Gut Reaction: Is Our Food Making Us Sick—Very Sick? In the first of this two-part special, Dr Graham Phillips reveals new research about the interplay between food and the bacteria deep within our guts. Video Excerpts: Professor Charles Mackay I really think we’re encountering a revolution. Maybe we can prevent diseases by simply changing our […]

Colon Cleansing: Step-by-Step Home Enemas

Polarity Therapy founder, Dr. Randolph Stone was a vigorous proponent of colon cleansing as an important part of optimal health. Today our unhealthy diets and environment have placed greater and greater strains on our bodies. The main job of the colon (large intestine) is to reabsorb water and nutrients from food and remove waste and […]

A Clean Colon is Key to Good Health

According to health professionals, 90 percent of Americans have impacted colons. This video is a must see for anyone who is concerned about their health and healing.  Whether you’re suffering from inordinate weight gain, chronic illness, fatigue, cancer, diabetes or any of a myriad of other disorders, cleaning your colon may be the answer to […]

Bio Hacking – Salt, Coffee & Butter

Bio Hacking In this video Bulletproof Exec, Dave Asprey talks about potential health benefits of butter, salt and even coffee.   I met Dave last winter at the Longevity Now Conference in CA where this was a topic reiterated by many of the presenters. Published Aug 22, 2012 Dave Asprey, The Bulletproof Executive, is a Silicon […]

Food Matters Podcast

Food Matters Podcast Here’s a great podcast interview from Bulletproof Executive Radio of James Colquhoun, director of Food Matters and Hungry For Change.  In this interview they cover a broad range of topics relating to health and diet.  If you like this interview you can check out www.FoodMatters.tv and www.bulletproofexec.com. Colquhoun ends the interview with his 3 […]

Juicing For Health – Juicing For Life

Two years ago we showed the movie Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead at Nantucket Atheneum and it still generates a lot of conversation with those who were there and clients facing health and weight challenges.  Its an inspiring film of human triumph worth a look.  Here’s a brief clip.  You can borrow a copy from […]

Spring Back to Health

April 2013 eNewsletter Although we’re still not feeling it, we’ve officially turned the page which means Daffy Weekend is just around the corner.  For me that also means Spring cleaning – yes around my house, but more importantly it means cleaning up my diet, shedding “baby Winter” from my midsection and detoxifying my system. The […]

David Wolfe Reveals Energy Elixir Recipe! | GaiamTV interview with Lisa Garr

All-Day Energy Thought for the Day – It’s possible to have energy ALL day!  David Wolfe always has great information.  I’m excited to try this one.  Here’s the ingredient list: David Wolfe’s Energy Elixir Jiaoguian (Gynostemma) Tea (hot) Lucuma (Tbl) Chaga (tsp) Maca (tsp) Astragalus (1/4 tsp) Ashwagandha (1/4 tsp) Vanilla (1/4 tsp David Wolfe […]