Cool Your Heartburn – Part 2: Heartburn Self-Massage with Dr. John Douillard

Hiatal Hernia Self-Massage This is part 2 of a video by Dr. John Douilllard where he continues his discussion of common causes of Heartburn.  In this video he demonstrates a self-massage technique to free up an Hiatal Hernia.  I will often use similar manual visceral therapy techniques to free the adhesions of the esophagus and […]

Keys To Success – Marc Allen’s Magical Path

This is not my usual post, but for me the cause of just about all dis-ease boils down to our inability to deal with our inner and outer stresses.  Marc Allen has a brilliantly simple method for looking at the stress of being out of alignment with our inner vision and goals.  Enjoy! The Magic […]

Get High on Massage – Dr. John Douillard

Massage Benefits “Recently, researchers have found that certain types of massage can actually trigger the release of many beneficial brain chemicals, in particular oxytocin. The results are so compelling, you just might run home and start a self-massage practice today!”  ~ John Douillard, DC On their website, the Mayo Clinic lists some of the benefits […]

Lynne McTaggart interview on The Bond in Studio 4, pt2

The Bond This is a great interview overview with Lynne McTaggart on her book, The Bond.  It’s worth a look & worth a read!  We founded NNOW (Nantucket Network of Wellbeing) on this very idea. This is the third book in her trilogy (The Field, The Intention Experiment and now The Bond). The Bond is a brilliant new blueprint for living […]

Ron Teeguarden on the 3 Treasures

Thought for the day — Ch’i follows Yi (energy follows will/intention).  Ron Teegarden is a master of Chinese Tonic Herbs .  Below is an overview of the 3 Treasures from a presentation he did at the Longevity Now Conference. 3 Chinese Treasures Ron Teeguarden describes the 3-Treasures as follows: “Traditionally in Asia, there are said to […]