3 Primary Rhythms: Part 1

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine once said, “Natural Forces within us are the true healers of disease”.  Much as we in the 21st-century like to think our technology can do anything, healing still comes down to nature doing the real heavy lifting.  The effectiveness of my work or any therapeutic approach depends on these […]

How to Cure Diabetes Naturally

In the Webinar Dr. Gabriel Cousens speaks about addressing Type 1 and 2 Diabetes through his specific dietary protocols. Webinar World-renowned nutrition expert and best-selling author Gabriel Cousens, MD, presents “How to Cure Diabetes Naturally”— an exclusive FREE webinar designed to introduce his groundbreaking three-week recovery program. Focused on a moderate-low complex carbohydrate, live food, plant-source-only […]

Brain, Mind & the Placebo Effect

The Placebo Effect Here’s another great interview with Dr. Joe Dispenza where he provides a more comprehensive explanation of his latest work.  This may be too technical for many, so I would recommend starting with my previous post by Dr. Joe.  Then when you’re wanting more info dive into this interview. Published on Apr 12, 2014 Dr. […]

GeoEngineering (aka Chemtrails)

GeoEngineering (aka Chemtrails) This may seem strange to be posted on wellness blog, but geoengineering may very well be the most significant threat to public, individual and environmental health of our time.   Please watch and share this video. Droughts, Floods, and Disrupted Weather “In this video, Dane Wigington gives a presentation in Northern California […]

Dr. Hal Huggins on the Dangers of Mercury Amalgam Fillings

In these two interviews Dr. Hal Huggins, a pioneer in the field of biological dentistry and founder of the Huggins Applied Healing Network talks about both the dangers of mercury amalgam fillings and potential dangers of improper removal.

Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO’s

Seeds of Death Here’s a really good movie on the dangers of GMO foods that you can watch online.  If you are not aware of this crisis, in my opinion Genetically Modified Foods represent one of the greatest health risks the American public faces today.  I HIGHLY recommend everyone educate themselves on GMOs. Currently around […]

The Fluoride Deception (Full Length Documentary)

The Fluoride Deception Here’s an eye opener if you’re not aware of the downside of Fluoidated water.  In this 30-min documentary, Christopher Bryson gives a great introduction to the dangers of Fluoride. Hailed as a harmless chemical that would prevent tooth decay, new evidence shows how fluoride could be linked to serious health problems. History […]

Cool Your Heartburn – Part 2: Heartburn Self-Massage with Dr. John Douillard

Hiatal Hernia Self-Massage This is part 2 of a video by Dr. John Douilllard where he continues his discussion of common causes of Heartburn.  In this video he demonstrates a self-massage technique to free up an Hiatal Hernia.  I will often use similar manual visceral therapy techniques to free the adhesions of the esophagus and […]

Cool Your Heartburn – Part 1 with Dr. John Douillard

Cool Your Digestion This is another incredibly informative video by Dr. John Douillard which covers some basic causes of Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Indigestion and congestion of the Gall Bladder, including both an over acidic and under acidic Stomach.  Also watch part 2 which covers self-massage for Hiatal Hernia. Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP is a […]