Fats that Heal/Fats that Kill

Here are some basic facts from Dr. Erasmus about Fats and Essential Fatty Acids that everyone should know. This is an important topic so I have several posts on the subject with different experts in the field.  Also see these related blog/videos Dr. John Douillard: Oil Processing & Health Risks – Don’t Use These Oils! NPR’s […]

Think Different Film Series – 2016/17

Since 2012 I have collaborated with the Nantucket Atheneum Library to present a documentary film series that explores new ideas and perspectives related to wellness.  This is our sixth year and I think our best ever.  The thing I love most is that the Think Different Series challenges the audience to consider new ways of perceiving life and […]

3 Primary Rhythms: Part 3

Please note: this is the third installment of a 4-part blog.  (see Parts 1 & 2) The Heart Beat or Pulse The second rhythm I would like to discuss is the pulse or heartbeat.  The heartbeat is tied directly to respiration.  It is hard to increase your heart rate without affecting your breathing and vice versa.  […]

3 Primary Rhythms: Part 2

Please note: this is the second installment of a 4-part blog.  (see Part 1) The Breath Even though it is the last of our 3-Primary Rhythms to ‘come on-line’, I’m starting with the breath because it is the one we have the most conscious control over and thereby can most easily access for self-healing. The […]

3 Primary Rhythms: Part 1

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine once said, “Natural Forces within us are the true healers of disease”.  Much as we in the 21st-century like to think our technology can do anything, healing still comes down to nature doing the real heavy lifting.  The effectiveness of my work or any therapeutic approach depends on these […]

Think Different Film Series 2015/16

Since 2012 I have collaborated with the Nantucket Atheneum Library to present a documentary film series that explores new ideas and perspectives related to wellness.  This is our fifth year and I think our best ever.  The thing I love most is that the Think Different Series challenges the audience to consider new ways of perceiving life and […]

Colon Cleansing: Step-by-Step Home Enemas

Polarity Therapy founder, Dr. Randolph Stone was a vigorous proponent of colon cleansing as an important part of optimal health. Today our unhealthy diets and environment have placed greater and greater strains on our bodies. The main job of the colon (large intestine) is to reabsorb water and nutrients from food and remove waste and […]

How to Cure Diabetes Naturally

In the Webinar Dr. Gabriel Cousens speaks about addressing Type 1 and 2 Diabetes through his specific dietary protocols. Webinar World-renowned nutrition expert and best-selling author Gabriel Cousens, MD, presents “How to Cure Diabetes Naturally”— an exclusive FREE webinar designed to introduce his groundbreaking three-week recovery program. Focused on a moderate-low complex carbohydrate, live food, plant-source-only […]

You Are the Placebo

You Are The Placebo Published on Jul 8, 2014 In Dr. Dispenza’s new book, You Are The Placebo, he explains how the power of the mind, and a positive outlook is a very powerful device.  This interview comes from The Rush on ShawTV. There is also a 2-part more in-depth interview with Regina Meredith on […]

GeoEngineering (aka Chemtrails)

GeoEngineering (aka Chemtrails) This may seem strange to be posted on wellness blog, but geoengineering may very well be the most significant threat to public, individual and environmental health of our time.   Please watch and share this video. Droughts, Floods, and Disrupted Weather “In this video, Dane Wigington gives a presentation in Northern California […]