Body-Mind-Sprit 4
Welcome to the world of Heart-Brain Coherence and Heart Rate Variability (HRV)—a cutting-edge area of research into how the rhythms of our heart influence your mental state, emotional balance, and even our relationships…
Welcome to the world of Heart-Brain Coherence and Heart Rate Variability (HRV)—a cutting-edge area of research into how the rhythms of our heart influence your mental state, emotional balance, and even our relationships…
In part 3 of this embodied consciousness series we delve into the fascinating science of the unified, or zero-point field, one of the hottest topics in scientific research with investigations from various, somewhat conflicting, avenues of inquiry…
Polarity Therapy identifies 3 types of diet to support the body’s distinct needs. The Purifying Diet is very alkalizing and helps the body detox; Health Building adds in proteins, grains, and fats; and Vegetarian or Maintenance is a diet you can live with long-term…
The Vitality Drink, a liver and gallbladder detox, often referred to as a cleanse, aims to flush out toxins and improve the function of these vital organs. Detoxes can lead to enhanced digestion, increased energy levels, and overall improved health…
4-Week Self-Help Classes • Sundays, April 7 to 28 @ 9-10:30am • Discover Techniques to: Utilize Self-Directed Meditation & Movement for healing
People often think that if they weren’t in a car accident, been to war, or didn’t get assaulted they haven’t been traumatized. It is important to recognize that trauma is not ‘what happened’ it’s how we perceive ‘what happened’…
BMS 2: Frequency explores the latest developments in our understanding of the 8 Brainwave states of consciousness, from Epsilon to Lambda. There are several ways scientists study the human brain’s functioning. They can measure the electrical …
BMS 1: Consciousness revisits many ideas such as felt-sense and the Polyvagal ANS, as it dives deeper into the various aspects of embodied consciousness, from sub- to superconscious states. Then, within the next three, we’ll look at brainwave frequencies, …
The first 3 Chakras below the diaphragm all relate to our animal nature — the drives of survival, procreation, and power. The Heart is considered the ‘Bridge’ Chakra or Human Chakra because it connects us to one another heart-to-heart …
This blog presents the 7-Chakras in a way that many may not have considered—as a language for expressing a universal human experience. I think THIS is what makes the concept of the chakras so ubiquitous around our planet …