Energy Bank Account

Most of us aren’t consciously aware that we have an energy bank account that works much like the regualr one, where our interactions with life builds, stores or depletes energy from our BodyMind System. This is the amount of energy we have …


Polari-TEA is a uniquely sweet and tasty herbal tonic blending Licorice, Fennel, Fenugreek, Flax, and Peppermint with added Aniseed and Turmeric. Designed by Polarity Therapy founder, Dr. Randolph Stone to soothe the digestion and …

Think Different Film Series 2019/20

Since 2012 I have collaborated with the Nantucket Atheneum Library to present a documentary film series that explores new ideas and perspectives related to wellness.  This is our eighth series and I think our best ever.  The thing I love most is that the Think Different Series challenges the audience to consider new ways of perceiving life and […]

Health, Weight Loss & 4 Body-Types

4 Body-Types by Dr. Eric Berg, DC In this video Dr. Eric Berg explains ways to identity underlying health issues that may be preventing you from losing weight and feeling fantastic.  He uses 4 Body-Types: Adrenal, Liver, Ovary & Thyroid to link essential nutrient and hormone imbalances to health issues.  People are often baffled and […]

Gut Reaction – Part 2

Gut Reaction: Let Food Be Thy Medicine Dr. Graham Phillips explores the latest research linking diet, fiber, vinegar with inflammation, IBS, asthma, allergies, emphysema, multiple sclerosis, autism, and other diseases. He also delves into experimental fecal implant research. Video Excerpts Professor Charles MackayI think this is one of the biggest developments in medical research. I really […]

Gut Reaction Part 1

Gut Reaction – Part 1

Gut Reaction: Is Our Food Making Us Sick—Very Sick? In the first of this two-part special, Dr Graham Phillips reveals new research about the interplay between food and the bacteria deep within our guts. Video Excerpts: Professor Charles Mackay I really think we’re encountering a revolution. Maybe we can prevent diseases by simply changing our […]

Salt & Water for Health

The Importance of Salt & Water for Health This is THE video I recommend every client watch!  Dr. Barbara O’Neill covers so much ground in this talk, explaining the critical importance to health of these two fundamental elements—water and salt.  She is masterful at making very complicated information easy to understand. In this video lecture […]

Fats that Heal/Fats that Kill

Here are some basic facts from Dr. Erasmus about Fats and Essential Fatty Acids that everyone should know. This is an important topic so I have several posts on the subject with different experts in the field.  Also see these related blog/videos Dr. John Douillard: Oil Processing & Health Risks – Don’t Use These Oils! NPR’s […]

Post-Workout Smoothie with Daniel Vitalis

Daniel Vitalis’ Post-Workout Smoothie Recipe 1.5 cups – Boiled Chaga Mushroom Decoction 1.5 cups – Wild Blueberries 0.75 to 1 cup – Sprouted Chia Seeds 1 tsp – Cattail Pollen (Pu Huang) 1 tsp – Pine Pollen 0.5 tsp – Evening Primrose Seeds / Oil 2 Tbl – Coconut Oil 4 Tbl – Colostrum 2 tsp – Stevia […]

Think Different Film Series 2015/16

Since 2012 I have collaborated with the Nantucket Atheneum Library to present a documentary film series that explores new ideas and perspectives related to wellness.  This is our fifth year and I think our best ever.  The thing I love most is that the Think Different Series challenges the audience to consider new ways of perceiving life and […]