Navigating Inner Space

4-Week Self-Help Classes • Sundays, April 7 to 28 @ 9-10:30am • Discover Techniques to: Utilize Self-Directed Meditation & Movement for healing

Chakras & Felt-Sense 2

The first 3 Chakras below the diaphragm all relate to our animal nature — the drives of survival, procreation, and power. The Heart is considered the ‘Bridge’ Chakra or Human Chakra because it connects us to one another heart-to-heart …

Transcending Overwhelm Workshop

Coming in 2020 • Explore your inner landscape using cutting-edge non-relive approaches to heal old wounds.  This course introduces skills everyone should have to meet life’s challenges.

Polyvagal Theory – Part 3

In Part 3 we will examine The Ventral Vagal or Social Nervous System more closely: how it affects our BodyMind System, why it is critical for optimal health, and how to achieve and maintain this state. It’s our GREEN LIGHT / Go Mode!


Resourcing is one of our most valuable tools for self-care and self-healing.  It enables us to meet our everyday challenges and combat overwhelm by drawing on our webwork of interconnections. Our Resources let us know life is okay, life is worth living. 

Overwhelm Blog Part 4

Overwhelm – Part 4

Please note: this is the fourth of a 4-part blog.  (see Parts 1, 2 & 3) Healing Trauma So what do we do with all this? Can we heal trauma? Can we prevent it? The simple answer is YES! What all of these different types of overwhelm have in common are two things: 1) The BodyMind System (BMS) […]

Overwhelm Blog Part 3

Overwhelm – Part 3

Please note: this is the third of a 4-part blog.  (see Parts 1 & 2) Psychological & Emotional Trauma Let’s talk about these two types of overwhelm together since they often go hand-in-hand. Psycho-Emotional Trauma (overwhelm) is not so much what happens but how we perceive what is happening to us. It’s an emotionally charged moment in […]

Overwhelm Blog part 2

Overwhelm – Part 2

Please note: this is the second of a 4-part blog.  (see Part 1) Physiological Trauma Our body’s complex physiology is susceptible to really just two types of overwhelm — Too Much In Not Enough Out and Too Much Out Not Enough In.  Too Much In Not Enough Out is exemplified by constipation*. Even if we […]

Overwhelm Blog Part 1

Overwhelm – Part 1

In this 4-part blog we will explore the idea that overwhelm may be the root cause of ALL disease. Now that’s a pretty extreme statement, so I need to define some terms and explain exactly what I mean. Overview Simply put, trauma or overwhelm is a moment in time or a period of time when […]

Navigating Inner Space

6-Weeks  •  Sundays, Sept 30 to Nov 4 7 to 8:30pm  •  $235 Discover Techniques to: Utilize Self-Directed Meditation & Movement Work with your body’s 3 Core Rhythms: Breath  •  Pulse  •  Fluid Tide Use your distractions to find stillness and peace Play with gentle, natural movements to unlock your body’s potential Work with your inner vision and felt sense […]