Spring Back to Health

April 2013 eNewsletter Although we’re still not feeling it, we’ve officially turned the page which means Daffy Weekend is just around the corner.  For me that also means Spring cleaning – yes around my house, but more importantly it means cleaning up my diet, shedding “baby Winter” from my midsection and detoxifying my system. The […]

NPR’s Splendid Table | Extra Virgin Olive Oil

What do you know or think you know about your Extra Virgin Olive Oil? (click on image Ep. 500). This is an episode of NPR’s Splendid Table looks at the sometimes scandalous world of olive oil with Tom Mueller author of Extra Virginity. Legendary vegetarian cook Anna Thomas brings us her take on steaming bowls of […]

Keys To Success – Marc Allen’s Magical Path

This is not my usual post, but for me the cause of just about all dis-ease boils down to our inability to deal with our inner and outer stresses.  Marc Allen has a brilliantly simple method for looking at the stress of being out of alignment with our inner vision and goals.  Enjoy! The Magic […]

Get High on Massage – Dr. John Douillard

Massage Benefits “Recently, researchers have found that certain types of massage can actually trigger the release of many beneficial brain chemicals, in particular oxytocin. The results are so compelling, you just might run home and start a self-massage practice today!”  ~ John Douillard, DC On their website, the Mayo Clinic lists some of the benefits […]

Jeffrey M Smith – GMO Foods Effects on Health, pt 2

Effects on Health This interview continues with finding regarding autism and childhood behavioral issues, and 250,000 framer suicides in India.  GMOs may be a permanent self-perpetuating pollution to the gene pool of all life on the planet.  I feel it’s vitally important that well all take the time to be informed in order to make informed […]

Jeffrey M Smith – GMO Foods Effects on Health, pt 1

GMOs & Health Everyone who eats foods should be required to see this interview. Especially if you are experiencing signs of any health issues, including digestive issues, headaches, rashes, cancer, gluten-intollerence. etc. This is the first of a 2-part interview on Genetically Modified Organisms with Jeffrey M. Smith. GMOs may be a permanent self-perpetuating pollution to […]

Clay Detox … with Daniel Vitalis

Here are tow great videos by Daniel Vitalis on Detoxing using Clays and Zeolite. Detoxing Daniel Vitalis walks us through the long history of use and how to use two different strategies to assist us in detoxing radioactive isotopes, heavy metals, and other toxins from our bodies on an ongoing basis. Toxins in the body […]

How to Use a Neti Pot – with Daniel Vitalis

This is a great demonstration of how to use a Neti Pot as well as information on its benefits.  The Saline solution can be drying to the nasal cavities so I recommend lubricating the nose and ears after flushing and cleaning with Nasya Oil to penetrate the tissues. After Netiing put 1 to 3 drops of […]

Lynne McTaggart interview on The Bond in Studio 4, pt2

The Bond This is a great interview overview with Lynne McTaggart on her book, The Bond.  It’s worth a look & worth a read!  We founded NNOW (Nantucket Network of Wellbeing) on this very idea. This is the third book in her trilogy (The Field, The Intention Experiment and now The Bond). The Bond is a brilliant new blueprint for living […]

Daniel Vitalis – 3 Changes for Vitality

3 Changes for Vitality Food for thought regarding our diets and choices affecting our health.  This is part 3 of a 3 part video interview with ReWiling expert, Daniel Vitalis on the Health of Children and the genetics we are passing on to the next generation.  See the other 2 parts on Youtube. Take the […]