Polyvagal Theory – Part 4

In Part 4 we will examine the Sympathetic Nervous System, our mobilization response to danger. It is a powerful energetic, electromagnetic charge that builds within our nervous system and is released through an explosion of action.

Holodynamic Reflexology Workshop 1

Coming in 2020 • Holodynamic Reflexology 1 :Feet & Hands is an energy-based approach to Reflexology and an integrated whole-body approach from Polarity Therapy.

Transcending Overwhelm Workshop

Coming in 2020 • Explore your inner landscape using cutting-edge non-relive approaches to heal old wounds.  This course introduces skills everyone should have to meet life’s challenges.

Polyvagal Theory – Part 3

In Part 3 we will examine The Ventral Vagal or Social Nervous System more closely: how it affects our BodyMind System, why it is critical for optimal health, and how to achieve and maintain this state. It’s our GREEN LIGHT / Go Mode!

Polyvagal Theory – Part 2

Polyvagal Theory provides the tools to understand the actual mechanism controlling our subconscious autopilot and empowers us to take back control of our thoughts and actions, as well as how the world responds to us.

Polyvagal Theory – Part 1

First proposed in 1994 by Stephen Porgess, PhD, Polyvagal Theory has redefined our understanding of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and its relationship to how trauma/overwhelm affects our BodyMind System (BMS).

Think Different Film Series 2019/20

Since 2012 I have collaborated with the Nantucket Atheneum Library to present a documentary film series that explores new ideas and perspectives related to wellness.  This is our eighth series and I think our best ever.  The thing I love most is that the Think Different Series challenges the audience to consider new ways of perceiving life and […]


Resourcing is one of our most valuable tools for self-care and self-healing.  It enables us to meet our everyday challenges and combat overwhelm by drawing on our webwork of interconnections. Our Resources let us know life is okay, life is worth living. 

Indonesia – A Slide Show Odyssey

Join Us! Friday, May 3 @ 7 pm Nantucket Atheneum Library, Great Hall  (508) 228-1110 * www.nantucketatheneum.org FREE Admission      Join us on a slide and video odyssey as I relive my recent adventures from Central Java across Bali and through the Flores Sea to walk amongst deadly Komodo Dragons. Balinese Gamelan  •  Trance Ceremonies Buddhist & Hindu […]

TRAUMA to Wholeness Workshop

15-Hour Workshop Sunday Kick-off, May 5 • 10am-5:30pm Tuesdays, May 7, 14 & 21 • 7-10pm $400 Move out of Fight or Flight! Let go of old patterns & THRIVE Explore Body-centered Trauma Healing Work with your inner vision and felt sense Discover the true miracle of YOU Learn Energy techniques to balance your Nervous System Utilize the power of Resourcing […]