Marine Phytoplankton – Oceans of Nutrition with David Wolfe

Thought for the day Superfoods are good! Here’s David Wolfe talking about Marine Phytoplankton.  Wolfe is always an amazing resource for nutritional information. Worth a listen!  This is from one of the Longevity Now Conferences in California. What is Marine Phytoplankton? It is a micro-algae single-celled organism that is rich in trace minerals, chlorophyll, essential […]

Ideas for Exercise & Adventure on Nantucket

I’ve been lovin’ our great spring weather & enjoying the Land Bank’s interactive map of their properties. Today I walked the Miacomet Pond Trail from the end of Mizzenmast Road out to Lady’s Beach. Haven’t done that walk in a while. Last week I discovered the Stump Pond Trail and the Holdgate Trail and was […]

What Is Polarity Therapy?

What Is Polarity Therapy?

Hard to Sum Up Even after more than thirty plus years in the study, practice, and training of polarity therapists I still wince when asked that one simple question. Polarity is such a huge topic that it is often hard to condense into a nice neat sound bite. Or if I do, I somehow feel […]

Diet for Life

Why Do We Eat? Fuel the Body / Feed the Organs Stuff Feelings / Calm Emotions Habit / Conditioning Reward / Safety / Comfort Social / Business Politeness Grounding Boost Energy Nostalgia / Associations Not Just Nutrition As this brief list reveals, we eat for many more reasons than simply nutrition. There is a deeply […]

Fluid Genome, GMOs & DNA with Dr. Mae Wan Ho

The Fluid Genome Thought for the Day … this one’s a little heady, Dr. Mae-Wan Ho is a world renowned geneticist & biophysicist. Its worth hearing what she has to say on the fluid changeabilty of DNA and the potential affects of genetically modified food on our health.  See all 4 parts on Youtube. Dr. […]

Your Body: Basic Users Manual – The Digestive System

Every car, appliance, and just about anything you purchase these days comes with a user’s manual. Unfortunately, we are never given a manual for our most important and precious tool, our bodies. This blog is intended to begin to acquaint you with your body and what it’s designed to do. I’m going to start by […]