Glen Weimer, BCPP, RPE, LMT
Glen Weimer is a Board Certified Polarity Practitioner, Registered Polarity Educator and former American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA) board member. He was founder and former director of the Arizona Polarity Institute, Tucson, and former polarity education director at the New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts, Santa Fe. Glen has taught at colleges, conferences, and both polarity and massage schools around the USA. In 2005, he gave the opening ceremony keynote address at the APTA 20th anniversary conference, Potomac, MD.
Holodynamic Bodywork is his unique synthesis of polarity therapy, somatic trauma work, and subtle osteopathic (manual therapy) techniques, including craniosacral and visceral therapy, structural mobilization, muscle-energy, and myofascial release techniques. This work is an Energy- or Consciousness-based therapy, utilizing dialogue and hands-on techniques that engages the Autonomic and Central Nervous Systems to unlock deep-seated traumas, release chronic and acute conditions, and balance the body-mind system.
Glen has practiced polarity and craniosacral therapy at Canyon Ranch Resort, Tucson, and had private practices in Santa Fe, Tucson, and Nantucket with visiting practices in NYC and Boston.
In addition to over 35 years of extensive training in holistic healing modalities, he was the Co-founder and former board president of the Nantucket Network of Wellbeing (NNOW). Glen's advanced ongoing training includes Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy with Franklyn Sills, Integrative Manual Therapy at Center IMT, Visceral Manipulation at Barral Institute, Total Body Balancing at D'Ambrogio Institute, and body-centered trauma resolution such as Holographic Memory Resolution with Brent Baum.
AZ Massage License #MT-29411

"Natural forces within us
are the true healers of disease."
~ Hippocrates, father of modern medicine