Hermetic Axiom & Health
Polarity Therapy founder, Dr. Randolph Stone used to quote variations on this Hermetic axiom all the time, “As Above So Below, As Within So Without” or “the Microcosm Reflects the Macrocosm—the Macrocosm Reflects the Microcosm”. The implications of this idea, namely the interconnectedness of all life and relationships of scale, are far reaching; what we see under a microscope is identical to what we see through a telescope. But for me one of the most important aspects is that it’s impossible to talk about our personal wellbeing without also addressing environmental and community wellness.
Simply said, our health depends on the quality of what we eat, drink, and the air we breath—Environmental Health; and how we think, feel and interact with others—Social or Community Health; and how we handle the internal and external stresses on our BodyMind System—Personal Health. The combined effects of all three of these aspects IS our health!
Video: “Cosmic Eye: The Science World Smiling”
Journeys of Perception
When I first moved to Nantucket Island in the mid-80s I worked for an art school, NISDA, and every year we would show the classic 1977 short film, “The Powers of Ten” by Charles and Ray Eames, which “The Cosmic Eye” is based upon. It shifted the viewer’s perspective of scale out into the cosmos and down into the microscopic world by increasing powers of 10—directly, visually demonstrating this great ancient axiom.
Enjoy these two ‘trippy’ visual journeys of discovery into our natural world!!!
Video: “The Powers of Ten”